
Results 1-20 of 170 for Elizabeth Millard.

In the Trenches with Antivirus Guru Mikko Hypponen

Amid this year's ongoing plague of viruses and worms, there has been much discussion about virus creators, antivirus software developers and frequent virus targets like Microsoft and The SCO Group. But one important group still toils in near obscurity: the virus hunters. One of the field's most a...


The Sexy Side of Network Redundancy – Part 2

In part 1 of this article, the E-Commerce Times examined how network redundancy -- a vital if not exactly mesmerizing technology -- is becoming more accepted, especially by those who control the IT purse strings. However, the decision about which type of network redundancy to buy is not an easy one....


The Sexy Side of Network Redundancy

Of all the terms in e-business, "network redundancy" does not rank high in terms of excitement factor. In fact, even at industry events, the subject tends to make for glazed-over stares and drifting thoughts. But network redundancy deserves better. Without it, sites can be crippled or even struck do...

Fastest Sites in E-Business

There are a few cardinal rules of e-business sites that have become the goal of every Webmaster: Keep design simple, make navigation easy, and stress the need for speed. With Web architecture becoming more refined and vendors pushing out products that streamline operations, becoming faster has never...


Zone Labs VP Fred Felman on the Post-Check Point Plan

In December, Check Point Software Technologies acquired personal firewall leader Zone Labs for $205 million, creating a high-powered security firm poised to crank out more products for businesses and consumers. One of the first applications to result from the acquisition is an upgrade to a popular Z...


Outsourcing Fears Debunked in Teleconference

If one topic has become a hot potato in both the political and employment realms, it is offshore outsourcing. Global staffing company Accountants In India (AII) hosted a teleconference Tuesday to discuss major outsourcing issues like security, ethics and workflow. Although the tone of the teleconfer...


The End of Passwords

At the recent RSA conference, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates in his keynote speech predicted traditional passwords are headed for their demise. Any CIO who has walked past a row of desks knows Gates has a point when he says passwords cannot adequately protect security: The number of Post-It notes aff...


IBM Director Bart Lautenbach Forecasts E-Business Future

Many signs point toward a bright future for e-business: Online shopping activity is up, holiday seasons are becoming positively merry, and customer service is improving. On the other hand, some customers still fear identity theft, site usability is a continuing issue, and establishing an online bran...


Juniper Founder and CTO Pradeep Sindhu on Networking the Future

For years, Juniper Networks has been Cisco's chief competitor in the networking arena. With its recent acquisition of NetScreen, Juniper seems to have bought some clout that could make a difference in that fight. The $3.4 billion deal brings Juniper into the security and low-end corporate sectors. P...

The Best President for E-Business

Since the last U.S. presidential election, e-business has evolved from dot-com buzzword into thriving industry, and it is difficult to ignore its increasing impact on the world economic scene. As the 2004 presidential campaigns heat up, therefore, it seems logical to question where the leading candi...

Best Loyalty Programs on the Internet

As online commerce becomes an everyday part of many consumers' lives, some companies are switching their focus from attracting new customers -- from an ever-decreasing pool of potential recruits -- to rewarding frequent shoppers. Transferring loyalty programs to the Internet, however, has proven to ...

Cingular To Buy AT&T Wireless for $41 Billion

Cingular Wireless, a joint venture of SBC Communications and BellSouth, has inked an agreement to acquire AT&T Wireless. Under terms of the agreement, which was approved by the boards of directors at both companies, shareholders of AT&T Wireless will receive $15 per common share, which trans...

Cingular To Buy AT&T Wireless for $41 Billion

Cingular Wireless, a joint venture of SBC Communications and BellSouth, has inked an agreement to acquire AT&T Wireless. Under terms of the agreement, which was approved by the boards of directors at both companies, shareholders of AT&T Wireless will receive $15 per common share, which trans...

Cingular To Buy AT&T Wireless for $41 Billion

Cingular Wireless, a joint venture of SBC Communications and BellSouth, has inked an agreement to acquire AT&T Wireless. Under terms of the agreement, which was approved by the boards of directors at both companies, shareholders of AT&T Wireless will receive $15 per common share, which trans...


The Future of Digital Music Players

Only a few years ago, a digital music aficionado's music-player choices consisted mainly of 128-MB flash devices that held only a handful of songs. Now, 40-GB devices double as portable hard drives and hold up to 10,000 songs. Not surprisingly, this move toward more technological power has been embr...

Doomjuice.B Variant Builds on MyDoom Mayhem

A new variant of the Doomjuice worm has been reported by antivirus research firm F-Secure. The worm, dubbed Doomjuice.B, targets Microsoft's Web site with a distributed denial-of-service attack, much like its predecessor, Doomjuice.A. However, the B worm has a twist that makes it more effective. "It...

Time for a High-Tech Union?

When the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers opened its doors five years ago and started talking to high-tech professionals to gauge their interest in joining a union, many treated it as a joke. Now, with offshore outsourcing taking off and repercussions from years of layoffs hitting home, no ...

SCO Adds Copyright Claim to IBM Lawsuit

The SCO Group has broadened its lawsuit against IBM by adding a copyright infringement claim to the case. Previously, SCO was prevented from formally including copyright infringement in the case because of unresolved issues with Novell, which sold most of its Unix intellectual property rights to SCO...

IBM Lightens Up with New ThinkPad for Enterprise

Next week, IBM will release its lightest-ever ultraportable notebook, the ThinkPad X40, and the company has high hopes that it will become the notebook of choice for the corporate sector. The X40 will weigh in at a mere 2.7 pounds -- 14 ounces lighter than its predecessor, the ThinkPad X31. Other f...

Microsoft Unhurt by MyDoom Attack

A variant of the MyDoom worm sparked a data flood at Microsoft's main Web site Tuesday but had little effect. The company was able to fend off the attack because it had ample warning that the malware would strike. Also, the variant, MyDoom.B, was less widespread than the first version, which hit an...

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